Monday, February 8, 2010

In Vancouver working with YWAM!

As many of you know, I got the unique opportunity to come back to Vancouver and start work with Youth With a Mission (YWAM) “project 2010” as a short term staff member. I am committed be here at least February. Since I have started with the team, I have felt like there is no where else I’m meant to be right now. That’s a good feeling!
I am one of six people, that have come in from all over, to be short term staff during the Winter Game. We joined a full time staff that have been in the city doing outreach for years. If you are unfamiliar with YWAM please take a moment and check these out:

YWAM gives people the freedom to follow dreams to serve people globally, and it is the network we where under when I went to Greenland the last two summers.

YWAM could be called a network of bible school’s (or discipleship training schools [DTS's]), or a global missions training organization, but dew to lack of time, and energy, all I will say now is that YWAM is really much much much more! I feel privileged to join their staff, even short term.

Specifically I’m working with the “project 2010” team: check it out!

In partnership with:

My easy job description is, primarily, is organizing close to 200 volunteers that are coming into the city during the games.

What will the volunteers be doing you ask? SO MANY DIFFERENT THINGS... many outreaches are in partnership with other groups (we are joining the efforts of the salvation army, the more than gold network, the Union Gospel Mission, buying sex is not a sport (, and several church's. We are partnering with them to be able to send our volunteers to work with the homeless in soap kitchens/ drop in centers, hand out hot drinks to people at transit stations, set up station on the street where people can come and just ask for prayer (we believe in the power of prayer!), to be a part of setting up creative arts instillation's, and also to be able to participate in silent peaceful marches to raise awareness of how the sex trade supports human trafficking into North America, etc.

Thanks for reading this there will be more to come... please be praying for us and our efforts in Vancouver!


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